Monash University Museum of Art | MUMA
4 August – 1 October 2011
The exhibition The Devil had a Daughter was curated by Kirrily Hammond and reflected an enduring fascination for allegorical, theatrical and macabre representations apparent throughout the history of printmaking. Drawing upon various forms of print-media such as architectural installations, the artist’s book, performative works, found print-media, as well as longer standing print traditions, The Devil had a Daughter opened up the definition of ‘printmaking’ towards an expanded understanding of the role and form of print-media in contemporary art.
Featuring the work of Jason Greig, Stuart Ringholt, Sally Smart, Dylan Martorell, Pat Brassington, Mike Parr, Tony Garifalakis, Petr Herel and David Noonan, the exhibition was timed to coincide with IMPACT 7, the International Multi-disciplinary Printmaking Conference to be held at Monash University from 27-30 September 2011.
Download a pdf of the catalogue here.